Equipping classes for adults

Our equipping classes are a great way to learn God's word, grow in our ability to connect the gospel to everyday life, and meet new friends in a group setting. We desire to equip people for life and ministry, addressing the needs of the body by Spirit-led, Word-centered training, to produce spiritual fruit

God's Reversals Among His People

Begins September 1 at 9:00am

All of us have experienced reversals in our lives, whether they be emotional, spiritual, physical, political, financial, or something else. How we prepare for and respond to these is the topic of our next Equipping class, "God's Reversals Among His People." It will build on our study of the book of Esther where we saw how "the hidden God" acted in the lives of his people. We will examine and discuss reversals in the lives of people in the Old and New Testaments as well as our own lives. Join us Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. for this special time of study and sharing.

Teachers: Elliot Bergsagel and John Powell
Meets 9:00am in the Fellowship Hall

Irwin Lutzer's "When You Have Been Wronged" Equipping Class

Have lies been told about you? Have you been rejected? Maybe you've been the victim of abuse. Perhaps it's a broken promise. Or someone betrayed a confidence. It's only natural that you would be angry. These wounds cry out for justice! But what if justice isn't possible this side of heaven? What if the damage can't be undone? What then? You have a decision to make. You can hold on to your anger until your anguish builds a prison of bitterness. In this cage you will live a diminished and pain-filled life. Or you can choose to forgive. Erwin Lutzer discusses dealing with difficult people such as "spear throwers" and "destroyers," as well as handling conflict among family members and Christians in the courtroom. In this concise, quickly-read volume, you'll learn how to move from bitterness to blessing. By choosing forgiveness, you are choosing abundant life.
Teachers: Paul Funk, Tom and Jane Taylor and John and Rona Powell
Meets Wednesday nights at the Powell's Home from 6:30pm-8:00pm and Sunday nights at First EFC from 5:30pm-7:00pm.
The Equipping Ministry Team desires to encourage personal or group study to mature in our walk with Jesus. 
Suggested Resources include:

Open the Bible
Bible Studies By Mail
Insight For Living Ministries
Authentic Intimacy
Pure Desire Ministries
Celebrate Recovery - Meets at University Presbyterian Church on Monday Evenings at 6:30PM

Questions? Please contact the church office at contact@efclascruces.org to be directed to a member of the Equipping Ministry Team