Order Of Worship
Welcome/Announcements/Scripture -Nancy Willy
Songs Of Praise:
Your Grace Is Enough
Goodness of God
You Alone Can Rescue
Kyrie Eleison (A Song Of Celebration)
Dismiss Kids to Digging Deeper
Sermon - Pastor Jeremiah Krieger
Song of Praise:
Who You Say I am
Service & A/V Team:
Director of Worship: Michael Dean
Peter Fowler, Laurel Gardenhire, Josh Klima, Nathan Klima, Caleb Klima, Hannah Klima, Vicki Hunter, Nancy Willy
Songs Of Praise:
Your Grace Is Enough
Goodness of God
You Alone Can Rescue
Kyrie Eleison (A Song Of Celebration)
Dismiss Kids to Digging Deeper
Sermon - Pastor Jeremiah Krieger
Song of Praise:
Who You Say I am
Service & A/V Team:
Director of Worship: Michael Dean
Peter Fowler, Laurel Gardenhire, Josh Klima, Nathan Klima, Caleb Klima, Hannah Klima, Vicki Hunter, Nancy Willy
Financial Information
Budget through December 31: $365,824
Spent through December 31: $352,166
Giving through December 31: $333,100
Spent through December 31: $352,166
Giving through December 31: $333,100
This Week At First EFC
AWANA: AWANA Club tonight! See you at 5:15 pm.
Weekly Youth Group: Youth Group is Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm.
Caregivers Meeting: January 17th from Noon to 4 pm.
Weekly Youth Group: Youth Group is Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm.
Caregivers Meeting: January 17th from Noon to 4 pm.
Coming Soon
60+ Luncheon: Next Senior Luncheon will be Feb 9 at The Hunters’ Home
Looking Forward
Mission Trip to Thailand: The Global Ministry Team is planning a trip to Thailand starting the middle of June. Please let Nancy Willy or another member of the team know of your interest before the end of the month. The first week will involve child care during a retreat for overseas workers and the second week will involve working alongside our ministry partners Jay and Julia Wells.
Communication At First EFC
Prayer Chain: If you have a prayer request, email prayer@efclascruces.org.
Free and Clear Newsletter: If you would like something published in the church newsletter, please email it to contact@efclascruces.org as early in the week as possible.
Free and Clear Newsletter: If you would like something published in the church newsletter, please email it to contact@efclascruces.org as early in the week as possible.